Im Rahmen der MMSA Swaps erfuhr ich auch von einem netten Brauch, den mir die nette Gastgeberin dieses Swaps folgendermaßen erklärte: „It was common in elementary schools long ago to have Valentine parties on February 14. Nowadays they have commerically printed valentines, which come in classroom sets, and which children can get to give to everyone in their classroom. But „back in the day“ students had to make their own cards, and since that meant about 30 of them, they were of necessity small, simple and cheap.
I still remember sitting down with red, pink and white construction paper, along with paper doilies, scissors and glue, and making these valentines to take to school. On the day of the party, each of us would also decorate a big paper envelope (like a file folder, but closed on three of the sides), or a shoebox, and as part of the party, we’d walk around the classroom and „mail“ our valentines to the other students. Then we could all open our boxes, and enjoy the greetings that had been sent to us, along with cookies or cupcakes, and valentine games.“
Bei mir entstanden folgende Karten zu diesem Thema mit der Vorgabe: „The idea is to keep them as simple, heart-themed collages, using mostly solid color papers. (There are lots of blue-designed print papers, but the focus is on single color ones).“